How Moldovans Get Information about the War in Ukraine

Moldovans' opinion on the war between Russia and Ukraine

Moldovans' opinion on the war between Russia and Ukraine

It’s not emigration’s fault or how willing young people are to stay in the country

Half of the youth in Moldova don’t know where they would like to work yet

How and when should we approach our customers? Practical recommendations, tested during Mystery Shopping

Where do we look for the most ambitious youth

“We’ll get the diploma first and then we’ll see about the profession.” Does this way of thinking relate to nowadays young people, as well?

From astronaut to accountant or what professions young people in Moldova tend to choose nowadays

How many people live in Moldova, after all?

Eye Tracking for packaging – how much meat do we let them see?

Does sex sell?

The human face – sells or not quite?

What do smokers see on the packets of cigarettes? Case study with Eye Tracking

5 steps to the client’s heart. Experience of the client depends on the step the product is on.

Searching for the lost job. TOP 5 most sought domains

Service is learned from good examples. A taxi service for example

What does the competition do? Find out with Mystery Shopping

We searched the pockets of the residents of the capital. Supermarkets versus food markets

Workplace dress code – a caprice or a promotional strategy